Development for the past, present, and future inhabitants that made, make, and will make Cherry Street blossom.
Spring, 2020
ARCH 3102: Design VI
Ithaca, NY, USA
Lily Chi
Rhinoceros (3D Modeling)
AutoCAD (2D Drafting)
Photoshop (Graphics)
In his critique of ‘naïve functionalism’– the idea that architectural form should be a unique expression and accommodation of program or performance – Aldo Rossi pointed to a wealth of buildings that survived the centuries even as their functions changed, often repeatedly: amphitheaters that became small cities, a palace that became a law court, mosques that became churches....The very adaptability of these buildings ensured their persistence in time. Rossi’s intriguing inversion, suggesting that form can be generative of function rather than vice versa, finds resonance today in ecological, urban, and sociopolitical debates about the agency of architecture. This inversion is my point of departure. This project is at its start date, a mixed-use community building consisting primarily of housing units for the current and future neighbors as well as those in the nearby proximity across the inlet.
Development for the past, present, and future inhabitants that made, make, and will make Cherry Street blossom.
In support of:
The Cherry Arts
Friends of Stewart Park
Ports of New York Winery
Legal Assistance of Western NY